11 Jan 2024

Evolving for Excellence

At Sunnybox, we’re committed to continual improvement. Our latest update brings refinements to our OpenAPI scheme, ensuring better compliance and enhanced functionality. These changes are more than just technical enhancements; they’re a step towards a smoother, more intuitive user experience.

We’re particularly excited about our new venture into AI-driven features with the introduction of our first ChatGPT plugin. Currently used internally — a practice commonly known as ‘dogfooding’ — this plugin is already reshaping how we interact with our system, offering insights and efficiencies previously unexplored. This internal use of our own product is instrumental in refining our development roadmap, promising even more innovative features on the horizon.

As we look to the future, these updates pave the way for a more responsive, AI-integrated Sunnybox. We invite our users to not only explore our API but to actively engage with its new features. Your feedback, shared through our community forums and support channels, is a vital part of our journey towards building a smarter, more user-friendly platform.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how we can make Sunnybox even better.

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